Send us a message

My telephone number is (905) 320-5835 . All messages are confidential. If you would like me to return your phone call, please leave instructions as to when and where you would like me to call you. I will use the upmost discretion when returning your call.

All messages are confidential and are checked routinely.

Our Office

460 Brant Street
2nd Floor, Suite 200
Burlington, Ontario
L7R 4B6

(905) 320-5835

Please note that the use of email or text message does not guarantee confidentiality. As such, please do not use email or text to discuss personal issues beyond scheduling appointments or other non-clinical matters. If you would like to speak with me about something other than appointment scheduling, please call me. For 24-hour crisis support go to your nearest hospital emergency department or call your local distress centre. In Burlington, the number for the distress centre is 905-681-1488 and in Oakville 905-849-4541.